guillaume magne

guitar, voice

photo © zdenko hanout

photo © zdenko hanout

Guillaume Magne was born in 1983. He started studying electric guitar by the age of ten digging into rock music and its roots and branches. Later he took interest for jazz guitar, studying with Pierre Culaz and then Frederic Favarel at the Val Maubuée ENM. There he studied trumpet and counterpoint too.

Since 2003 one might have heard him along with L-Dopa, Momo Erectus, Maaskin Gömm, Seyta Police, Fred Pallem and the Sacre du Tympan, L’orchestre de la boule noire, Poni Hoax, Gaspard LaNuit, Clarys, Inga Liljeström, Hollywood Mon Amour, Surnatural Orchestra, This is the Kit, Le bal à Momo, Intrasèche électrique, eliotE and the ritournelles, la troupe du Phénix, the band TILT by Joce Mienniel, YOM, The Wolphonics, Magnetic ensemble, Parquet, YOU, Barbarie Boxon, Journal Intime, OK and AB&On for which he's the composer.

He plays the drums with Clementine March too. He taught electric guitar and music theory at the conservatoire Couperin, Tournan en Brie from 2003 to 2014.


former bands
