julien boudart | nome polycephale
this is vol. 1 of the ancient and modern myth series. based on a lost tune
mentioned by pindar in his 12th pythian ode and on the related myth.
julien boudart | serge modular, field recording, nonlinear speakers
technical data
all sounds come from the serge modular except some field recordings gathered
in britany and myanmar ; some of the sounds are played through a metallique
resonator or a leslie speaker.
all tracks composed by julien boudart
recorded & mixed by julien boudart at la muse en circuit, ems stockholm and in
eymoutiers, 2015-2020
some leslie reamping recorded by antonin rayon in moulins-sur-ouanne
mastered by rashad becker at clunk
© artwork by julien boudart
© photo of the silicon valley by byuladzik kryhin, shutterstock
© Carton 2021
release april 9, 2021
lp | cd | digital
ref cat croixcroix15
1. ankrousis
2. gorgo
3. to the land of hyperboreans
4. iambikon
5. at the edge towards the night
6. perseus (spondeion)
7. golden rain
8. marsyas
9. song of libation