rifo | betel @ dancing about architecture (uk)

There are noises. Many noises. Noises that are subsumed into other noises. Noises that undermine. Noises that accent or resonate. Noises that create harmonics or dissonances with themselves. Filtered noises, rhythmic noises. Obvious noises. Found noises. Noises that surprise or disturb. Noises that welcome. Noises that attract and repel. Loud noises, quiet noises and noises that disrespect the silences or enhance them.

Sitting between a laboratory and a plant room where secret chemicals are made, listening to the process, the agitation, the percolations, leakages and reactive bubblings and whistlings. Filters are eaten up by otherly filters and those filters in turn are consumed by their own echoes and filtered of course.

Arecibo excitedly thinks it finds another distant lifeform but eventually calms itself when realising it is only hearing an ancient historical interpretation of its own messaging system in reverse.

These are the components of this work. It’s a vision of post-industrial pharma dripping dollars into shareholder’s dividend troughs.

If all of the above tick your boxes then dive right in.

reviewSeb Brunrifo, betel, uk