abacaxi | mainstream desire
Inspired by the funk-rock of the 60s, ABACAXI twists and deconstructs the clichés
of that time to transform into an abrasive sound sculpture.
Julien Desprez | direction, guitar, light
Jean Francois Riffaud | bass, light
Max Andrzejewski | drums, synth, light
Recording Mix et Mastering by Matthieu Metzger
Artwork © Rob Mazurek
© coax records
© Carton 2021
release march 19, 2021
ref cat croixcroix16
1. mainstream desire
2. catfish
“the art-noise band Abacaxi, may seem oppositional but their impact was identical; energising and life-affirming. Julien Desprez lobbed guitar strums and shot out rhythmic pellets like firecrackers, all the while tap dancing on an orchestra of effects pedals. Jean-François Riffaud pointed the neck of his electric bass at Desprez as if to lock horns with him, his basslines flashing fast whilst drummer Francesco Pastacaldi ran through an abandoned tunnel of punk rock; smashing the snare or clashing with drum rims. Abacaxi were fire starters with an infectious zest underpinned by incredible technique; they made sudden stops an art form.”
“une expérience auditive, un choc esthétique sonore. un fruit sucré, aux tranches piquantes. Magistral.”
“Abacaxi, ça ne se catégorise surtout pas mais ça s’écoute, ça doit s’écouter, dans l’implication et de préférence à volume élevé.”
abacaxi is one of the more exciting, genre-blurring and multisensory new ensembles around.