rifo | betel

BETEL is a chewing plant in south-east Asia, and also the name of a sanctuary of Jacob in Israel. Starting from the repetition of a declined gesture, taken in games of rebounds and filtered by transistors, spaces confront each other in a sequence of raw and concrete organic materials, sometimes figurative. Like a very old mechanical, pneumatic, pre-synthetic music.
JF Riffaud | electric guitar, magnetic tape echo
technical data
recorded by Boris Boublil in oaK TREE studio (Montreuil, FR)
mix by JF Riffaud
master by Hervé de Kéroullec DK Mastering
photo by JF Riffaud
© carton 2021
© coax 2021
release june 25, 2021
lp | digital
ref cat croix-croix 19
“Le vertige nous surprend, casque aux oreilles, à l’écoute de cette subtile mécanique de la répétition”
“Loud noises, quiet noises and noises that disrespect the silences or enhance them”
“One musician’s idiosyncratic approach makes for something immersive and quite daring.”
“An hypnotic video using glitched photographs and cyanotypes, directed and edited by Ramataupia, is premiered”
“Partendo dalla ripetizione Jean-François Riffaud realizza un’esperienza iniziatica a dir poco sorprendente:la metamorfosi della chitarra in Betel lascia a bocca aperta.”
“Riffaud manipulates sound in intimate, exploratory and often unconventional patterns”
“Ça gratte sévère, ça croustille à souhait, ça joue comme ça vient, ça respire comme ça peut, il ne reste plus beaucoup d'espace et pourtant le minimal est de mise.”
“disque qui en jouant avec nos sens nous élève au-dessus des lignes d’horizon et des croyances.”